Maple Almond Butter Recipe

Maple Almond Butter is incredibly easy to make at home!

My husband and I are obsessed with Maple Almond Butter. O-B-S-E-S-S-E-D.

Our favorite is spreading it on apples, but really it’s amazing on anything. It’s smooth and creamy with a hint of sweet maple– seriously perfection in a jar.

And best of all: it’s super easy to make at home!

Maple Almond Butter is incredibly easy to make at home!

Honestly, I could (and do) just eat it by the spoonful.

Here’s the run down on making this jar of creamy goodness: you’ll need 2 cups of whole almonds. Toast them in the oven for a little under 15 minutes. Toss those into a food processor with a few other simple ingredients (sugar, salt, maple extract, a little bit of oil) and give it a whirl! Depending on your food processor, it will take anywhere from about 3 to 10 minutes for beautifully dreamy and smooth Maple Almond Butter!

And I promise: you’ll love this homemade version infinitely more than anything that you can buy in the stores. Guaranteed.

Maple Almond Butter is incredibly easy to make at home!

This recipe comes from this really fun cookbook: Chocolate-Covered Katie, written by the blogger behind… Chocolate-Covered Katie (of course! Who else?!)!

Katie Higgins specializes in dessert recipes that are HEALTHY. I’ve actually followed Chocolate Covered Katie for years. As a fellow dessert lover, I’ve always been intrigued by her approach to making every dessert healthful. It’s definitely a blog worth checking out!

And just like her blog, her cookbook is full of some really cool recipes– all dessert, all healthy! If you’re still going strong with your New Year’s resolutions to eat healthier (but you’re starting to miss the sweets), this is the book for you ๐Ÿ™‚

But until you get your hands on the book, you absolutely must give this Maple Almond Butter a try! Smother it on your toast and fruit, dip pretzels and chocolate, or dig right in with a spoon. There’s no wrong way to eat it!

Maple Almond Butter

Maple Almond Butter

Yield: about 2 cups

You'll love this homemade version infinitely more than anything that you can buy in the stores. Guaranteed!


  • 2 cups whole almonds
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 8 drops* maple extract
  • 6 tbsp vegetable oil or coconut oil


Preheat oven to 350ºF. Place almonds on a baking sheet and bake for 12 minutes to toast them.

After almonds have cooled enough to handle, move them to a food processor bowl. Add the remaining ingredients. Process for 3-10 minutes, until mixture is smooth and creamy (like peanut butter).

Store in the refrigerator to prevent oil separation.


*I always use a pin to poke a teeny, tiny hole in the top of the maple extract. I use it a lot in different single-serve recipes, but it's such a strong tasting extract that oftentimes a drop is all I need! However, if you've already torn the seal off of your extract and can't measure it out in "drops," use about 1/2 a teaspoon.

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