Affiliate Disclaimer We believe in transparency. That’s why we want to take a second to disclose that we’ve included certain products and links to those products on this site that Love and Lavender Weddings Inc dba “Something Swanky” will earn an affiliate commission for any purchases you make. This is at no cost to you, and helps the site continue to operate and grow. The team behind Something Swanky puts in a lot of hard work and time to produce top-quality content for our valued audience. Our goal for this website is to inspire everyday cooks, everywhere. Please understand that we do this as a full-time for-profit business. The site has grown over the years and it would be difficult and time-consuming to go back through and list each and every affiliate program that we belong to. Given this, you should assume that any links leading you to products or services are affiliate links that we will receive compensation. Nonetheless, we only promote products or services that we feel add value to our audience. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, we have not been given any free products, services, or form of compensation by a company in exchange for mentioning them on Something Swanky. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us! Always make it a swanky time! — Team Swanky —