Devil’s Food Cake Batter Rice Krispie Treats posted by Staff Writer Pin Share Tweet Email Jump to Recipe First person to rummage around the universe and dig up three extra hours for my day gets a Devil’s Food Cake Batter Rice Krispie Treat.   What time do you go to bed?  Me? It’s pretty much always after midnight. Ugh.  Emma’s always been a pretty grand sleeper, and she rarely has me out of bed before 7:30am (unless I go running, then it’s 6:30am for me). But I’m still just dying.  I’ve always been a 9-hour kind of girl. And 7 hours or less of post-midnight sleep is just not cutting it.   When I was in college, I’d have to take a 9:00pm nap just to keep up with my night-owl roommates. And pulling an all-nighter? Forget about it. Never happened. Not once.  I just never saw the point. We spent all day desperate to catch a nap in class– why would I want to stay up all night just to go through the headache of trying to snooze and take notes at the same time??  So I was usually in bed on time.  And when it came time to enter the workforce? 10:30pm on-the-dot bedtime. Every night, no exceptions. When I was pregnant– bedtime moved to 8:00pm.  So, why, now that I spend my days with an energy-sucking 2-year old, can I not manage to drag myself under the covers before 1:00am?? Why?!?!   So here’s the deal:  First person to rummage around the universe and dig up three extra hours for my day gets a Devil’s Food Cake Batter Rice Krispie Treat.  Seriously.  That’s a pretty good deal  Recipe Adapted From: Chef-in-Training  Continue to Content Devil’s Food Cake Batter Rice Krispie Treats Print Ingredients 3 Tbsp. butter 1 (10 oz.) bag of mini-marshmallows 2/3 cup devil's food cake mix 6 cups rice krispy cereal 1 can store bought chocolate frosting Instructions Melt butter in a large saucepan over low heat and add marshmallows. Stir until they begin to melt, adding in cake mix one spoonful at a time so its combined. Stir in cereal so it is completely coated with marshmallow mixture. Press into a 9x13 baking dish. Let sit for about 30 minutes before frosting and cutting.
Not liking your new pin it button. I’ll tell you why in person on Saturday! So cool i get to meet you! Reply
grroooaan. No. please. I can’t handle anymore to-do items on my blog list right now!!!!! I promise, I will fix all the dumb little kinks one of these days– including the pin it button 🙂 Just let me sleep for about a month first. Reply