Deep Fried Cadbury Eggs

As a dessert blogger, I feel obliged to dabble in major holiday dessert foods. I made these Deep Fried Cadbury Eggs. I ate four of them. 😋

Easter’s not really my thing.
I mean, I’m pretty religious and all– so I’m on board with that part.
But pastels? Not my fave.
Cadbury Cream Eggs? I could live without.
Carrot Cake? …you know how I feel about that.
All of that just amounts to:
Easter? Meh. I’d rather not.
But if I have to endure this pastel-and-cotton-balls-inflicting holiday…
a little deep frying will be involved.
As previously mentioned– Cadbury Cream Eggs aren’t really my thing.
But as a dessert blogger, I kind of feel obliged to dabble in all of the major holiday dessert foods.
So into the fryer they went 🙂
I ate four of them.
And totally enjoyed it.
Turns out they’re kind of my thing after all.
PS- Cadbury Chocolate Eggs? Totally different story.
I don’t eat those. I inhale them.

Deep Fried Cadbury Eggs

  • 12 Mini Cadbury Cream Eggs
  • Approx. 4 c. vegetable or other oil for frying
  • 3/4 c. flour, divided
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 tbsp white vinegar
  • 1/2 tbsp vegetable oil
  1. Heat oil over medium heat in a small sauce pan on stove until ready for frying (about 375º or 10 minutes).
  2. Mix together 1/2 c. flour, baking soda, salt, milk, vinegar, and oil.
  3. Unwrap Cadbury Eggs.
  4. Place 1/4 c. flour in a small bowl. Coat each of the eggs in the flour.
  5. Insert a toothpick* into one end of an egg. Dip it into the batter, tap excess off into bowl.
  6. Dip egg into the oil for a few seconds, holding the toothpick, before dropping the entire egg (and toothpick) into the oil.
  7. Using a slatted wooden spoon, rotate the egg so all sides are evenly fried to a golden brown. Use slatted spoon to remove onto paper towel layers for cooling.
  8. Repeat with all eggs. I suggest removing the saucepan from the heat for a minute in between each frying (just while you’re preparing the egg) to prevent the oil getting too hot. If it gets too hot, it will burn the outside, but you’ll have an unmelted and dough-y inside.
  9. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve warm.

*You don’t have to use the toothpick– I just think it’s easier!

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Easter Desserts

40 thoughts on “Deep Fried Cadbury Eggs”

  1. So. Awesome. I’ve never fried anything, but I really need to start. Sugar + Deep Fry = Better. What’s funny is that I’m totally into Easter – just for the cuteness. But I have not decorated my house yet…just made cute treats. 🙂

  2. Yay! To this day I’ve never had a Cadbury egg. I know, I’m crazy. We’re not Easter people, either, but I have to say, I think I’m turning a new leaf after this post…

  3. I would have never thought of deep frying one. To be honest not sure if I have had one, I think I have tried the ones with caramel in them, not sure if that counts as an Easter one. These sound dangerously good. Sorry you are not much for Easter, I am usually big on it, but I am slacking this year, don’t even have any decor up yet for the holiday.

  4. I’m pretty sure deep fried anything is my thing!! I do love the cadbury eggs so I just know this is going to be the bomb!!! What an awesome and different way to enjoy them!!!

  5. OH MY GAWD!!!! I would so eat these all! I lvoe Cadbury eggs. They are so darn sweet and overwhelming – maybe that’s the draw. And they are only around at Easter. So I would love this!!! Awesome!

  6. I just made these! And although my kitchen smells like burnt flour, and they certainly don’t look as beautiful as yours they are amazing! I definitly will be making these again!! Thanks for sharing this!!


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